Guest Blog: The Natural Skincare Solution from Lisa Haiden
This week at Winslow Skincare we were fortunate enough to receive a new Guest Blog: The Natural Skincare Solution from Lisa Haiden who has put together some top anti-ageing tips for our clients, enjoy!
Anti-aging and skin care routine for women
We all want to look younger, even if we don’t have a particular reason to. As time passes, however, we find those reasons pretty quickly – nature gives us some. Our organisms won’t function the way they did when we were 20, and when it comes to nature, this mother is pretty much unstoppable.
However, all is not lost, because we can do something to counter her ways. Not just something, but plenty of it. It involves taking care of the skin, but it also involves other things that could, if you implement them in your daily routine, contribute both to your health improvement and to your achieving a younger look.
Smoking and alcohol
Of course, no one expects you to be a monk, but smoking does prematurely age your skin, as research shows. Alcohol won’t help there either. Try to minimize them as much as possible.

Many actresses who have aged well swear by this tip. And there is no secret why – exercise helps your body get in shape, stay healthy and thus makes it look younger.
When we get older, our skin doesn’t produce cells as it used to, making our skin more prone to dryness. To counter this, it’s very important that you hydrate your skin inside out. The way to do that from the inside is to drink a lot of water. This should come naturally if you exercise, so as you can see, it’s all connected. To hydrate it from the outside, use moisturizers, lotions and other products that make your skin less dry and therefore younger.

Forget about tanning salons and sunbathing
Although the sun is good for your skin, as it enhances the production of vitamin D inside your body, too much sun exposure can do you harm. Don’t sunbathe too much, and when you do, use sunscreen and sunglasses. Often times freckles and wrinkles appear on our skin as a result of too much exposure to the sun.
Take care of your skin
The most important routine of all is the skin – care routine. The skin is like a notepad; it notes everything that’s happening to our body, including aging. So to make yourself look younger, you will need to take care of your skin.
First, wash your face. Use a cleanser and water to remove dirt, so that you can apply skin products more effectively. The area around your eyes is usually the first place to show signs of aging, so make sure you take care of them by using creams and moisturizers. Moisturizers are a must whenever you wash your face because the face tends to get dry after the use of soap and water. So in order to keep your skin hydrated and healthy, you should use moisturizers at all times. Also, use creams that enhance your collagen production because they will make your skin elastic.
Dermatologists say that the vitamin A is a key for a healthy and young skin. Retinol is made from vitamin A, and you can buy products that contain it.
As it’s already been said, nature takes its own course, but you have the power to slow her down a little bit. Stress, smoking, bad eating habits and too much sun can speed up your aging process and the skin will take note of it. To prevent this, certain changes need to be made, even on a daily basis. But as you can see, it’s not too much work; just a few simple changes in your daily routine. And you could get so much in return.

Author Bio
I see myself as stubborn and optimistic and I want to live my life to the fullest and learn every day something new. I’m very interested in healthy living and efficient skin care solutions as I consider the way you look influences the way you fell and makes your journey through life more beautiful. I am fascinated about how skin care products are able to make you look better and younger, and I love writing about it on my blog